Community Palliative Care Network (CPCN)

Secteur d'activité

The CPCN was established in 1995 to provide 24/7 home medical palliative care by a group of independent family physicians, and it quickly became apparent that an electronic medical records (EMR) database was absolutely critical to maintain an effective, secure, and coordinated care provider network. CPCN turned to Day2Day Solutions and 4D – and has never looked back. The CPCN database is at a central triage office, with a series of replicated databases on portable computers connected via wireless network. Each physician logs into their database from the patient's home and the server updates it with the latest messages, assignments, patient notes and new records. Upon logout, the individual database updates the server with the visit notes. Associate care providers, case managers, nurses and hospital staff are provided access to the data by the CPCNDB Live! web portal designed using Graham Langley's Lightning 4D component. For the complex scheduling required, Day2Day Solutions has selected hmcal, a 4D calendar plugin developed by Heubach-media.